Types of Therapy


Individual therapy looks like meeting virtually or in-person with me for 55 minute sessions weekly or biweekly to begin. Once you feel you’ve gained positive change in your life, I will encourage you to spread our sessions out. This helps you see how you can depend on yourself and you don’t always need that weekly or biweekly session to continue this new positive change in your life. Of course, this is an ongoing conversation I have with my clients and can be affected by external circumstances.

I am licensed in South Carolina only, so any virtual sessions are only offered to those whose primary address is in South Carolina.

Contact me here for a free 20 minute consultation or click here to learn more about who I am as a psychotherapist.

Relationship Focused (1+ people in the therapy room)

I’ve provided psychotherapy focusing on relationships since 2017. Relationships are most conflictual when each person is projecting their pain and fears to the others.

Each “family system” in my therapy room looks unique and I customize my approach based on the needs for all members. The difference between this style of therapy and “individual therapy” is that I see every human in the room as one unit; I’m using my collective knowledge to support all. We are not working together to figure out which person is most at fault. It’s the opposite: we’re working together to see our individual role in the conflict and interrupting that cycle to come together in peace again.

Remember, you once loved each other. My job is to bring that love and respect back to the forefront.

The requirement for this style of therapy is that every person is at least 18 years old and everyone is consenting to therapy. To protect the therapeutic process, I do not communicate with any members of the system individually (email, for example). This style of therapy is not for minors, couples, or for individuals who are not ready to begin therapy (it is not an intervention style).

This is for adult families only: think sibling conflict, cousin conflict, best friend conflict, or parent + (adult) child conflict.

If you need a recommendation for couples counseling or parent + (minor) child needs, send me an email and I’ll recommend trusted colleagues.

Contact me here for a free 20 minute consultation or click here to learn more about who I am as a psychotherapist.